Brad Fox | January 29, 2015
The deadpan British narrator describes animals in the Okavango Basin as living the easy life. They have everything they need and have become bored, like we humans do.  From the movie directed by Jamie Uys entitled "Animals Are Beautiful People" (1974). This clip is a classic.  When the Murula fruit is past it's prime, it apparently can turn into some hardy alcohol in the poor animals stomachs…
Brad Fox | January 29, 2015
Since the 1960's, the percentage of Democrats and Republicans that would be unhappy if their children married someone from the other party has increased significantly. From about 5% saying their would be displeased in the 60's to a third of democrats and almost half of republicans today saying they would be unhappy if the marriage occurred (Standford study here).  The numbers from 2008 to 2010…
Brad Fox | January 28, 2015
Sounding firmly libertarian in defending everyone's right to free speech, Bill Maher criticized liberals who want to tread on others rights to speech while defending (even) Rush Limbaugh.  Sounding like a conservative again, Mr. Maher responded to a sign he saw at Berkley that said "Islamaphobia kills," saying in his common-sense sarcastic tone, "Really, maybe more it's the Ak-47's, beheadings…
Brad Fox | January 28, 2015
Photo Credit: U.S. News U.S. Congressman Dave Brat (R-Va.) debated with the Congressional Budget Office director Douglas Elmendorf  about putting the nation's people above illegal immigrants in a House committee meeting yesterday.  Brat - the only economist in the U.S. House of Representatives - began to question the CBO director's contention that granting amnesty granted to millions of…
Brad Fox | January 28, 2015
Making a name for himself on the internet, Thomas Bruso, AKA Tommy Slick, Vietnam Tom, and Epic Beard Man is quite the character.  Tom claims to be veteran of Vietnam, is around 67 years old and from Chicago Illinois. In an interview  about his incident on a bus (featured below) he said, "It's overwhelming, I don't deserve all that attention I was just doing what is right, he was a murderer, I…
Brad Fox | January 28, 2015
Russell Wilson may have a degree of hindsight bias after his teams improbable win in the NFC championship game, but there is actually a good chance he literally thought they would win the whole time.  Speaking about his psychological state of mind, Wilson describes how he visualizes a reset button to forget about what has happened to help him focus on what he can still do next. A sports…
Brad Fox | January 27, 2015
We all have many biases towards ourselves. They helps reduce stress and keep our heads held high. These include the self serving bias, attribution theory, and psychological projection. Since we are constantly judging each other more harshly than we judge ourselves, it would make sense our friends, despite looking past our faults enough to hang around us,  would be the best at analyzing our…
Brad Fox | January 27, 2015
This farmer-turned-inventor teaches the "sharks" (investors on TV's "Shark Tank") about doing the right thing, and warms some cold hearts in the process. Johnny Georges from Arcadia Florida is the creator of the Tree-T-Pee. This T-Pee can be used on any orchard farm where freezing is a concern, or where saving water is a concern which totals to a majority of farms. From 25,000 gallons of water…
Brad Fox | January 27, 2015
Do poorer children fare better after being relocated next to higher income families? With access to supposedly better schools, “the aspirations of their future oriented peers might rub off on them” says NewRepublic. A new study from Duke University points to some less than desirable consequences of this urban development vision. Low income boys from these mixed communities - where "affordable…
Brad Fox | January 26, 2015
Alexis Tsipras, once considered too radical for national politics is head of the Syriza party or, Coalition of the Radical Left, is now the new prime minister of Greece.  Mr. Tsipras ran an anti austerity platform, which in other words means, not paying creditors or cutting spending platform.  Earlier, he formed a coalition with the centre-right Greek Independents. European Commission head…