
Jpoor | January 13, 2009
Secretary of State designee Hillary Clinton and incoming Senate Foreign Relations chairman John Kerry promise to uses new office to shape foreign…
MarkF | January 13, 2009
Defending Pres. Bush against Eugene Robinson's charge that he violated America's traditions and values with the measures he adopted to fight…
mathew | January 13, 2009
Topics in today's show: Barack Obama moves to Washington, Joe the Plumber as war correspondent, New York faces coldest weather in 15 years, and Amy…
DaysDevon | January 13, 2009
A new genre of travel film. Presented in 10 "Chapters", this is a short tour through the entire film
Matthew Balan | January 12, 2009
During a January 12, 2009 report on CNN, correspondent Alina Cho focused on how big corporations are jumping on the Obama "bandwagon," using the…
Colleen | January 12, 2009
Conservative author Ann Coulter appears on ABC's "The View." The hosts discuss her more controversial statements about single motherhood, victimhood…
JuliaSeymour | January 12, 2009
VP for Business & Media Institute, Dan Gainor appeared on Fox & Friends Jan. 12, 2009 to discuss the president-elect's economic stimulus…
MarkF | January 12, 2009
On Morning Joe, Chrystia Freeland of the Financial Times disagrees with Pat Buchanan that it would be moral to waterboard an al Qaeda member for…
heritagefoundation | January 12, 2009
Bruce Klingner discusses how President-elect Obama can keep his pledge to stress the need for "sustained, direct, and aggressive diplomacy" with…
heritagefoundation | January 12, 2009
Brian Walsh, Senior Legal Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, discusses how President-elect Obama can keep his pledge to improve the…
heritagefoundation | January 12, 2009
Hans von Spakovsky discusses how President-elect Obama can keep his campaign pledge to make America's civil justice system work for all Americans by…
heritagefoundation | January 12, 2009
Grossman discusses how Obama can keep his pledge to protect America’s private property rights by preventing governments from seizing private property…
heritagefoundation | January 12, 2009
Sally McNamara, discusses how President-elect Obama can keep his pledge to strengthen American and global security by gaining additional European…
kpicket | January 11, 2009
Laura Dern won a Golden Globe for her performance in "Recount" and told the audience to look forward to change in the country.
JuliaSeymour | January 10, 2009
"Cavuto on Business" guests Ben Stein and Jack Welch mentioned some encouraging signs about the economy Jan. 10, 2009.
MRCTVone | January 10, 2009
JuliaSeymour | January 9, 2009
'American Morning' doesn't bat an eye over calls for Euro-care-style rationing. Jan. 9, 2009
Ken Shepherd | January 9, 2009
MSNBC's David Shuster calling Gov. Palin "clearly unqualified" to be vice president, almost saying that "everybody" was of the opinion that Alaska…
kpicket | January 9, 2009
At a press briefing today, President-elect Obama spoke about how he would like to work with Hillary Clinton to recruit young people to the State…
JuliaSeymour | January 9, 2009
CNN's John Roberts interviewed David Sirota, a left-wing columnist, about Obama's proposed stimulus plan on Jan. 9, 2009. Sirota criticized the plan…