P. Gardner Goldsmith
Writer, Television Scriptwriter, Lecturer

Gardner Goldsmith is a television scriptwriter, journalist, syndicated radio host, and lecturer in political-economics. He has spent time in the script departments of “The Outer Limits” and “Star Trek: Voyager”, and, in addition to his debut novella, “Bite” (selected by Ginger Nuts of Horror as one of the best novellas of 2013), and follow-ups, “Fishing” and “Wall”, his prose and poetry have been published in the US and UK. His fiction is available via Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and through local bookstores, so feel free to dive in! 

Goldsmith’s 2007 non-fiction book, “Live Free or Die”, was selected by the Freedom Book Club as a Book of the Month, and his articles on political economics have appeared in the US and UK in such publications and on such websites as Human Events, TechCentralStation, Naked, The Freeman (A Publication of the Foundation for Economic Education), Mises Daily, Investor’s Business Daily, The NH Union Leader, and MRCTV.

He is also a teacher of political-economics and philosophy at various schools in New Hampshire. His SUBSTACK? This link: Substack is HERE. Check it out!

P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 8, 2024
  The potential metaphors and analogies are as limitless as the cosmos, but the “Sun God” power assumptions taken by numerous state and county-level politicians “in preparation” for Monday’s solar eclipse not only reveal truly stellar conceit, they shine light on the ridiculous and unconstitutional “aid” money-grab always tied to “declarations” of “emergency” and “disaster." They also reveal…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 7, 2024
Like soldiers from old spy movies, the agents of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under former Goldman Sachs big-wig Gary Gensler have, since, early 2022, been prepping to add more to their already burdensome and unconstitutional demands of publicly traded firms that they “show us your paperz.” The new demands are bundled under the cozy title, “Climate Disclosure Rules,” they assume a…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 4, 2024
People who avail themselves of their ability to think and investigate breaking news might find common ground in recognizing that the Climate Cult typically acts according to the same censorious M.O. as ceaselessly enraged (for your-sake) Cultural Marxists. Without any literal victims going to court to sue you or me for bringing harm to them or their property, the Climate Cult not only ascribes…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 1, 2024
      Examples abound of the dismissive manner in which US political officeholders treat their oaths to “protect and defend” the Constitution, and some are more flagrantly evident than others. There are entire departments, such as the Department of Education, that aren’t sanctioned by any enumerated so-called “power.” In fact, most of them are not permitted without an Amendment to do so.…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 31, 2024
  During the holy Easter season, it’s easy to guess what credo, what belief system, and what event, the woke mob continues to target, even to the point of absurdity. The credo is the concept of rights – and its expedients, found in the Golden Rule and private property. The belief system is Christianity, which truthfully stresses that God created each of us to answer to HIM, not gangs of…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 25, 2024
    In a move indicating that they have no intention of ending their tax-funded attacks on the right to keep and bear arms, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Kamala Harris with great fanfare used taxpayer funds to announce that the Biden Administration has created a new bureau to “help” state governments impose so-called “Red Flag Laws” on their residents. At last count, 22 states have…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 24, 2024
Dismissing dark portents of a federal debt growing by nearly $1 trillion every quarter, disregarding the sinister clouds of price increases, job and productivity losses, and opportunity costs that smother the US economy because of all the previous US budgets going back decades, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY),…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 22, 2024
The “border battles” between the government of Texas, the Biden Administration, and the various levels of the federal court system this week have become so tumultuous, observers might think they are watching a movie that is running at twice the normal speed. On March 19, a six-member majority of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decided not to grant the Biden Administration an…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 20, 2024
From the days prior to the 2016 US presidential election – including the federal funding of online forces to push the “Russian Collusion” canards -- to the suppression of info about the Hunter Biden laptop, to the suppression of valid information about COVID-19, about mRNA jabs, masking, and the inherently immoral and unconstitutional lockdown paradigms in general, we who fought in the proverbial…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 19, 2024
Reality can be brutal, but it’s never false. For example, all claims of validity for the polis are fraudulent, and breaches of Natural Law. Human beings have Natural Rights, and such a predicate tells us that all interactions must be consensual to be valid. Since, by definition, all statist systems -- all political systems -- are impositions, not voluntary contractual agreements, they breach…