Nicholas Fondacaro
Associate Editor
Nicholas Fondacaro | May 3, 2016
Ted Cruz dropped out the race for president Tuesday night and CNN’s America’s Choice panel could barely believe their ears. After weeks of saying that Donald Trump was inevitable and his opponents should just give up, now they question the decision to drop out at this point. “Would you have dropped out tonight?” Van Jones asked of Paul Begala. “I don't think he should have done this tonight,”…
Nicholas Fondacaro | May 2, 2016
The White House has been coming under increasing presser in recent days calling for the public release of 28 pages that were omitted from the 9/11 Commission Report. Many speculate that the pages contain evidence that Saudi Arabia aided in the attacks and Charles Krauthammer and Laura Ingraham dialed up their own presser Monday on Fox News’ Special Report with Bret Baier. Both calling for pages…
Nicholas Fondacaro | May 2, 2016
With the Indiana primary a day away the liberal media is franticly pushing the narrative that Ted Cruz is going to lose and Donald Trump is destined to be the nominee. “It's hard to think of Ted Cruz as a human being in the same week when Boehner called Lucifer,” smeared Nicolle Wallace on Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect. Co-host of the show John Heilemann declared Indiana was the end of line…
Nicholas Fondacaro | May 1, 2016
Sparks flew Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press when Senator Ted Cruz called out the liberal media for their pro-Donald Trump coverage and their biased executives. “The media created this Trump phenomenon and then they don't hold him accountable,” said the Senator during a very long heated interview with the host Chuck Todd. An exchange where Todd was visible agitated by what the senator from Texas…
Nicholas Fondacaro | May 1, 2016
Saturday night was the White House Correspondents Dinner a star studded event attended by the media elites. Come Sunday morning most of the media was praising President Obama’s performance during the dinner, while expressing how disappointing comedian Larry Wilmore’s act was. Fox News’ Juan Williams really took it to Wilmore on Fox News Sunday saying, “to black America it awful. It was degrading…
Nicholas Fondacaro | April 28, 2016
Donald Trump scored a major endorsement from a very beloved Illinois hero, Hoosier basketball coach Bobby Knight. The endorsement serves to give an important boost to help Trump win the state in his march to the nomination. But on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon Thursday when asked to respond to critics that suggest Trump was not a real conservative Knight admitted, “You know, I'm not sure what a …
Nicholas Fondacaro | April 28, 2016
As the media pivots with the candidates towards the general election so are their narratives about them. As reporter for The Daily Best Betsey Woodruff put it on MSNBC Live Thursday, “this election is becoming a battle of the sexes.” A social justice warrior’s dream election between “not just the first female presidential candidate, but the first feminist presidential candidate” Hillary Clinton…
Nicholas Fondacaro | April 27, 2016
Between Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech and Senator Ted Cruz announcing Carly Fiorina as his running mate Wednesday was a crazy day in American politics. But even with all of that going on ABC and NBC spent precious time during their evening news programs defending Hillary Clinton from Trump’s comments about her playing the “woman card.” “You don't have to be a Hillary Clinton supporter to…
Nicholas Fondacaro | April 26, 2016
During CNN’s election night coverage Tuesday, sparks flew when CNN commentator and NewsBusters contributor Jeffery Lord spared with Paul Begala the head of the Pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC Priorities USA. Begala was defending a deceptive ad his organization produced in 2012 that claimed Governor Mitt Romney killed a steelworker’s wife by canceling his healthcare coverage. The panel was…
Nicholas Fondacaro | April 26, 2016
On Tuesday the New York attorney general announced that the class action lawsuit accusing Donald Trump of fraud, for his failed Trump University, will be going to trial. Of the big three new networks only NBC failed to report on the major news about the GOP front-runner. Not only was the public told that Trump would be called on to testify but the news broke during a very important primary day.…