Nicholas Fondacaro
Associate Editor
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 15, 2016
That’s it, the GOP primary is over and all the other campaigns can go home because Donald Trump is the GOP nominee, or so Morning Joe would have you believe. “And let me say that at 10 after the hour right here, Mika, the overwhelming odds have it that Donald Trump's going to win this thing outright.” Joe Scarborough said of the fate of the GOP primary cycle. The morning of the third Super…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 10, 2016
After helping drive the Donald Trump clown car for nine months, Joe Scarborough was furious that the GOP primary ended up in the ditch Thursday morning. “They perform so poorly on-- This year on a fifth-grade level and constantly send one clown after another clown after another clown up on the national stage and tarnishes the Republican brand in the way that they have for years now.”  Meanwhile,…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 9, 2016
The voting results from the latest "Super Tuesday" are in and Morning Joe wasted little time diving in and analyzing the results on Wednesday morning. Their conclusion? Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio needs to drop out right now, before the winner-take-all Sunshine State primary, and beg Donald Trump to be his vice presidential running mate. Co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 7, 2016
During a conversation on Monday’s Morning Joe panelists Nicolle Wallace took issue with a more vocal anti- Donald Trump movement within the Republican Party. “There are legitimate anti-Trump movements, they are the candidacies of his opponents. And then there are illegitimate anti-Trump movements. I think to the degree the party bosses look like they’re are on the scale, those are completely…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 4, 2016
During a Friday afternoon interview with Hillary Clinton, CNBC’s John Harwood asked the presidential candidate about the current FBI investigation into her e-mail practices.  Clinton defended herself from allegations of misconduct stating “I've been the most transparent public official in modern times, as far as I know.” Harwood’s interview was conducted at a factory in Detroit, Michigan where…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 4, 2016
Mitt Romney’s address on Thursday didn’t sit well with Joe Scarborough and he let his audience know it Friday morning. “Dude, if you're going to get into the pool, jump in. You’re standing at the side. Jump in or go and put the towel on and go back in[side].” A harsh response to a man who is concerned about the state of his party and had something to say about it. Scarborough’s displeasure with…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 3, 2016
“This is the problem. You can't get real now. You can't start telling the truth now. And that's what everybody's doing.” So exclaimed Mika Brzezinski about the in-depth vetting Donald Trump is now receiving from his GOP opposition. The defense of Trump’s campaign was a prominent theme during Thursday’s edition of Morning Joe. Hours before Mitt Romney was set to speak, Brzezinski was already out…
Nicholas Fondacaro | March 1, 2016
Megyn Kelly brought conservative writer Ben Shapiro onto The Kelly File Monday night to share his horrifying experience at the lefty California State University campus in Los Angeles, where a massive protest broke out in response to his speaking engagement.
Nicholas Fondacaro | February 26, 2016
On a special post-GOP debate edition of Hardball Thursday night Chris Matthews turned up the spin to brush the dirt off of Donald Trump. “I thought the funniest line tonight was when Rubio was doing his upper cuts … He said “you hired illegal immigrants,” people without documentation and trump says “you've never hired anybody.””  
Nicholas Fondacaro | February 25, 2016
On Thursday’s edition of All In, Chris Hayes brought on “perhaps America’s leading historian on the modern conservative movement” Rick Perlstein to discuss the attacks against Donald Trump for not being a proper conservative. Perlstein argued that when GOP candidates fight over the conservative mantel they really are saying, “I'm the guy that’s going to protect white virtue from, you know, the …