Nick Kangadis
Asst. Managing Editor/Blogger/On-Air Talent

Nick Kangadis is an alumnus of the University of Arizona - Global Campus, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in Journalism & Mass Communications and minored in Political Science. He is currently the Assistant Managing Editor for MRCTV and MRC Culture.

Nick Kangadis | January 19, 2016
(Image: Tatarenko Vladimir Nikolaevich) When it comes to commercial airplane crashes, most of the time, no one survives the impact. One Ukrainian inventor and aviation engineer, Tatarenko Vladimir Nikolaevich, has released a demonstration video for how to save every passenger on board a flight that is in danger. Meet the detachable plane cabin. When a plane is in danger of crashing, the…
Nick Kangadis | January 18, 2016
Glenn Beck, founder of TheBlaze and radio talk show host, declared on the "Glenn Beck Radio Program" on Friday that “If Donald Trump wins, we are in as much trouble as a nation as we were, if not more, than when Barack Obama (got elected).” Beck, who claimed that Trump is a Progressive on "The O’Reilly Factor," said that, if the country chose Trump as its next president, Americans would end up…
Nick Kangadis | January 18, 2016
Prager University has released a new video answering the question, "Is America racist?" In the five and a half minute video, narrator Larry Elder addresses the question of whether racism is still a major problem in America. He states, after all, "President Barack Obama certainly thinks so." Elder relies on statistics in order to dispute the notion that America is a racist country. Elders…
Nick Kangadis | January 18, 2016
(Image: Reuters) Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says that the Republican presidential candidates have been using "derogatory, racial laguage" toward President Obama. At a Democratic Party dinner in Charleston, S.C this past Saturday evening, Clinton stated, "Both Ted Cruz and Chris Christie called him [Obama] a child the other night. Too often we hear Republicans talking in…
Nick Kangadis | January 18, 2016
Nobel Prize winning American economist Milton Friedman knew socialism and he also knew that capitalism is the better philosophy. In a 1979 interview with liberal television talk show host Phil Donahue, Friedman stated, "The record of history is absolutely crystal clear. There is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the…
Nick Kangadis | January 18, 2016
The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) released their report Wednesday on the impact of President Obama's paid leave proposal, H.R. 932. The mandate would require employers to offer paid leave to their employees. While this might sound good in theory, the NFIB claims the possible economic outcome of this bill could be devastating. “There’s no such thing as a free benefit,”…
Nick Kangadis | January 15, 2016
(Image: AP) After being off of the bookshelves since World War II, Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" has returned. The 2,000 page annotated version of the book was reissued after the Munich Institute for Contemporary History (MICH) renewed its copyright. "The book is not only a historical source, it's a symbol," said Christian Hartmann, co-editor of the edition. "And we wanted to dismantle that…
Nick Kangadis | January 15, 2016
President Obama took to the Web to answer questions from three YouTube "Celebrities" on Friday. Some of the questions were... ummm... interesting? The complete interview lasted just under an hour, with each YouTuber given 15-20 minutes to ask Obama questions. The questions ranged from "Which 'Star Wars' character do you think you would be?" to "Which way would you put pants on a dog?" And,…
Nick Kangadis | January 14, 2016
Europe is being overrun with sexual assaults perpetrated by migrants. While this may not be a new phenomenon, the practice of it, particularly in Sweden and Germany, is growing at an alarming rate.  On New Years' Eve, the German police in Cologne reported receiving 600 complaints of sexual assaults and rape by men who were of "Arab or North African origin."  German Chancellor Angela Merkel,…
Nick Kangadis | January 14, 2016
(Image: PBS) During a portion of his final State of the Union address Tuesday night, President Obama might not have gotten quite the reaction he wanted out of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In his speech, Obama claimed: “I told you earlier all the talk of America’s economic decline is political hot air. Well, so is all the rhetoric you hear about our enemies getting stronger and America getting…