Barack Obama | May 16, 2008
Remembering Barack Obama's horrible attempt at bowling!
Ken Shepherd | May 16, 2008
On May 16, Chris Matthews accused President Bush of "a sucker punch" to Barack Obama because Bush warned against appeasing enemies. Matthews saw that…
Jeremiah | May 16, 2008
At a campaign stop in Detroit, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama called local ABC reporter Peggy Agar "sweetie." This video of the…
Illuminati Pictures | May 15, 2008
"I Invented The Internet, Episode 2: Osama's Return." Watch the terrorist community's reactions to the Democrats' "uncivil war" between Barack Obama…
Ken Shepherd | May 15, 2008
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show" reporter Bill Plante reported on President Bush’s speech before the Knesset and suggested the president was going…
MarkF | May 14, 2008
Endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, former rival John Edwards said "all the world sees now [in America] is a bully."
kpicket | May 14, 2008
Presidential candidate, Barack Obama, apologized to a news reporter for calling her "sweetie" during a campaign stop.
Rich Noyes | May 14, 2008
Appearing on the Daily Show, PBS's Bill Moyers argued that radical preacher Jeremiah Wright was really "assassinated by soundbites....played through…
Rich Noyes | May 12, 2008
In a May 8 interview, NBC's Brian Williams showed Barack Obama a magazine cover declaring him the Democratic winner and asked him about his mother.
Rich Noyes | May 12, 2008
In a May 9 interview with John Edwards, "Today Show" co-host Matt Lauer brought up "swift-boating" to suggest that Republicans would unfairly link…
Ken Shepherd | May 9, 2008
Barack Obama: thrilling MSNBC's Chris Matthews since 2004.
Ken Shepherd | May 9, 2008
On the May 9 edition of "Fox & Friends," Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center held that while Hillary Clinton's campaign may be toast,…