Bernie Sanders

ashley.rae | July 28, 2015
In a recent interview, presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) called open borders a “right-wing proposal” and vocalized his opposition…
Alan Moore | July 27, 2015
Over the weekend, Bernie Sanders told Chuck Todd on NBC's Meet The Press that guns used for self-defense should be banned. The Socialist senator from…
Alan Moore | July 22, 2015
Senator, presidential candidate, and self-described socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) today introduced a bill that would raise the federal minimum wage…
danjoseph | July 21, 2015
It would appear that politics is not Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sander's (D-VT) only passion. Apparently, the self-described socialist…
Tyler McNally | July 20, 2015
CNN Senior Political Reporter Chris Moody was kind enough to share with the world some of the weirdest and craziest swag available at the annual…
ashley.rae | July 9, 2015
Presidential hopeful Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has made the proclamation that “as a nation, we have got to apologize for slavery.” During…
danjoseph | July 6, 2015
According to the media, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sander's (D-VT) campaign is gaining momentum.  If you consider trailing Hillary…
Eric Scheiner | July 6, 2015
Sanders: 'Guns in Vermont Are Not the Same Thing As Guns in Chicago or Guns in Los Angeles' See More at:…
Jack Coleman | July 4, 2015
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow apparently can't bring herself to state aloud the most relevant fact about Vermont senator and presidential candidate Bernie…
Jack Coleman | July 1, 2015
Rachel Maddow insistently referring to avowed socialist Bernie Sanders as "liberal" on her MSNBC show, June 30, 2015.
Monica Sanchez | June 26, 2015
Many 2016 presidential candidates took to Twitter to share their reactions to the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision on Friday, which…
connor.williams | June 24, 2015
In continuing their series of interviews with the announced 2016 presidential candidates, Morning Joe welcomed independent Vermont senator and self-…