Bernie Sanders

MarkF | September 29, 2015
Good ol' Mike Barnicle dutifully carried Dem water this morning, proclaiming Hillary Clinton a "strong" candidate. But also on the Morning Joe set…
Brent Baker | September 29, 2015
On the Monday night debut, with a new host, of Comedy Central’s Daily Show, Trevor Noah didn’t display previous host Jon Stewart’s obsession with the…
ashley.rae | September 28, 2015
President Obama denounced positions held by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) during his speech to the United Nations…
danjoseph | September 25, 2015
Socialist senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has released a list of celebrities who have recently endorsed his campaign. Most of…
ashley.rae | September 24, 2015
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) is welcoming comparisons to Pope Francis. In two separate tweets this morning, Sanders expressed his approval for an…
ashley.rae | September 22, 2015
Shortly after the socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) praised Pope Francis for his views on “greed” and “the worship of money,” the senator…
MRC Latino | September 14, 2015
See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog The ascendance of “extreme left” forces in the Democrat Party, currently on the march in the…
ashley.rae | September 14, 2015
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) told the crowd at Liberty University that America was founded on “racist principles” and that the election of President…
danjoseph | September 9, 2015
It seems that everyone has strong opinions on the major presidential candidates. After all, most of the top-tier candidates have been in the public…
ashley.rae | September 8, 2015
While speaking to a crowd in Hampton, Ill. on Labor Day, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton claimed, as president, she would “make sure that…
Monica Sanchez | September 4, 2015
Image via Twitter NBA all-time leading scorer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote an article in The Washington Post entitled “This is the Difference Between…
ashley.rae | September 2, 2015
Presidential candidate and self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has doubled down on why he supports “democratic socialism.” “What…