Ian Hanchett | November 29, 2012
Pastor Rick Warren appeared on Starting Point this morning, where he was asked if Christianity deserved blame for the suicide of homosexual student…
Ian Hanchett | November 28, 2012
Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer teed up Hilary Rosen to label potential Georgia Senate candidate and conservative blogger Erick Erickson as an…
Ian Hanchett | November 26, 2012
CNN host Howard Kurtz referred to the Trayvon Martin investigation as a “murder case” on yesterday’s edition of Reliable Sources. Considering there…
Ian Hanchett | November 20, 2012
PLO lackeys Diana Buttu and Hanan Ashrawi were given opportunities to blame the current conflict in the Middle East on Israel and push for diplomatic…
MattH | November 20, 2012
Interviewing Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), CNN's Soledad O'Brien quoted the incoming chair of the…
MattH | November 19, 2012
CNN's Don Lemon, interrupted, lectured, and insulted conservative guest Will Cain in a liberal ambush Cain called "astounding."
MattH | November 15, 2012
Showing an obvious double standard, CNN's Soledad O'Brien grilled a Republican congressman over his criticism of Susan Rice's consideration for…
MattH | November 14, 2012
After Paul Ryan acknowledged his surprise at the voting turnout in urban areas, which are largely Democratic, CNN's Anderson Cooper cited critics who…
Ian Hanchett | November 13, 2012
Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz pledged to keep his promise to not raise taxes during the upcoming debate on the fiscal cliff.  Chaffetz’s resolve to…
MattH | November 12, 2012
In the most condescending fashion, CNN's Don Lemon tried to sort through right-wing frenzy over the re-election of President Obama by hosting a human…
Ian Hanchett | November 12, 2012
Former CIA official Robert Baer said that the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus stated that there was no reason for the FBI to investigate…
MattH | November 7, 2012
CNN contributor John Avlon dumped on Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) when he quipped that "it was a bad night for wing-nuts last night, but Michele…