MattH | June 18, 2013
CNN's Piers Morgan pushed for "federal gun control" and defended the "nanny state" on his Monday night show.
MattH | May 31, 2013
CNN's Piers Morgan wondered if America's "gun culture" would change just like its "racist culture" of the '60s and the "drunk-driving culture" of the…
MattH | May 23, 2013
When lefty radio host Stephanie Miller downplayed Anthony Weiner's Twitter scandal as an eighth-grade stunt and a "guy thing," conservative CNN…
MattH | May 16, 2013
CNN's senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin thinks there's too much "hysteria" over the IRS scandal and that it really may not have been that big of a…
MattH | April 29, 2013
CNN's media critic Howard Kurtz re-affirmed his stance that the press needed to be "leading the conversation" on guns in the wake of the Newtown…
MattH | April 8, 2013
CNN correspondent Max Foster served some biting criticism of the late Margaret Thatcher, reporting that she "decimated" British industries and…
MattH | March 25, 2013
CNN's Don Lemon hounded yet another conservative guest by smearing him and repeatedly interrupting him. This time the victim was The Heritage…
poorrichardsnews | March 20, 2013
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poorrichardsnews | March 20, 2013
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MattH | March 18, 2013
CNN's Don Lemon played up a random CPAC attendee who defended the benefits of slavery, and implied it could "throw a monkey wrench" into Republican…
MattH | March 12, 2013
Count Soledad O'Brien as another CNN fan of Mayor Bloomberg's nanny state efforts to crack down on big sodas. "I've been a long supporter of it," she…
MattH | March 5, 2013
Twelve minutes after reporting the death of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, CNN hosted his close friend and former adviser Eva Golinger, an attorney…