
Beatriz Madan | June 19, 2024
A recent article published in the medical journal “Birth” appears to think that one of the most pressing issues in midwifery and prenatal care is “…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 17, 2023
You've heard of men who think they're women. You've heard of women who think they're men. Now, meet the "gender minotaur" - a completely made-up…
Emma Campbell | July 11, 2023
A 28-year-old Yale doctor has argued that healthcare workers, such as doctors and nurses, should be required to wear body cameras while interacting…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 29, 2023
A U.K.-based cancer fund now recommending doctors replace the word “vagina” with the term “bonus hole” to keep from offending trans persons who have…
Matt Philbin | February 8, 2023
Mr. McGuire: Ben, I just want to say three words to you. Just three words. Ben: Yes sir. Mr. McGuire: Are you listening? Ben: Yes sir I am. Mr.…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | October 8, 2019
Last year, I reported on the plight of Dr. David Mackereth, a British MD with 26 years of experience who lost his job because, as a Christian and…
Nick Kangadis | May 23, 2019
The leftists and socialists that seemingly always want to push a single-payer healthcare system on the American people so that they have even more…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 15, 2017
Can it be true? Health care costs are projected to shoot higher?! A new survey of 148 large businesses, two-thirds of which belong to the Fortune…
Maureen Collins | July 27, 2017
Kristin Barry of Ontario received some terrifying news when she went in for her baby's 20-week ultrasound.  Her son suffered from a rare heart…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 30, 2017
Sometimes, what the dinosaur pop news media don’t report is as revealing as how they slant what they do report. Here's an example: the fact that some…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 26, 2016
Collectivists in the Unites States often point to the National Health Service (NHS) of England as the proverbial shining city on a hill, the Alpha…
ashley.rae | December 1, 2015
Students at the prestigious Ivy League Columbia University can enroll in a course for the Spring 2016 term dedicated to the premise that “racial…