mental illness
Folks, mental illness is real, and gone untreated, this is the kind of BS we can expect as part of a warped “news cycle.” This isn’t what I thought I…
Yeah, the activists are right — the whole trans thing totally has no connection to mental illness.
I’m not going to say her name (because screw she/…
I’m not scared of being “cancelled,” because who the h-e-double hockey sticks am I? That being said, a member of the trans community put their mental…
Look, this might not win me very many fans, but I simply don’t care anymore. If the trans people we constantly see complaining on social media aren’t…
Where’d all the happy people go?
Not in the UK, it turns out. According to this, the number of people with “hidden disabilities” - to include a…
Kids can be cruel to each other. But what can be even more cruel is lying to a child and telling them that they can be whatever gender they want.…
Even though the term has been politically sanitized over the years, assisted suicide has been a regulated law on the books in Canada since 2016. But…
What if antidepressants don’t really work? Jezebel’s Emily Leibert would cover her ears and scream, apparently. She’s upset that science is…
America’s closest neighbor, Canada, has made mis-gendering transgender people an illegal act. But don’t fret! The10 Jewelry has just released a “…
Once you know one song really well, it can become all you ever sing anymore, as actor Alec Baldwin yet again took a shot at supporters of Donald…
Actress-turned-progressive activist Alyssa Milano slammed Donald Trump for using the word “crazy” in his tweets, most often to describe his political…