
Stephen Gutowski | March 7, 2011
Watch this clip from today's Morning Joe and tell me that Ezra "The Nazis Had Some Good Ideas" Klein isn't willfully ignorant about the threat of…
Joe Schoffstall | March 4, 2011
Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary scheduled a rally in front of the White House on March 3 to promote Sharia law in America. After weeks of hyping the…
Stephen Gutowski | October 21, 2010
The day after NPR fired Juan Williams for some controversial comments he made on The O'Reilly Factor regarding Muslims Juan spoke with Fox about how…
Stephen Gutowski | September 23, 2010
When the pope landed in London he was greeted by some less than welcoming Muslim protesters. They screamed that he should be killed for insulting…
Stephen Gutowski | June 8, 2010
In case you're wondering exactly what the Israeli's are up against there's this (h/t Walid Shoebat) (Mild Content Warning): It may be 2 years old…
admin | June 2, 2010
You remember them right; those poor, unfortunate souls trapped behind that inhumane Israeli blockade? Well, as we've seen, they're not so pitiable…