Nightly News
The media fearmongering about pro-lifers is nothing new. Admitting the fears are false, but fearmongering anyway is something different. Yet, that is…
[See NewsBusters for more.] As Americans headed home from their holiday vacations, some had the misfortune of having pro-Palestinian demonstrators…
[See NewsBusters for more.] The Biden administration, desperate to hide the exploding crisis at the border, dumped the March crossing numbers late on…
On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams smugly dismissed Mitt Romney's overseas trip as having, "ended today almost the way it started…
NBC's Brian Williams led off his October 5 newscast with a glowing story about the growth and diversity of the far-left “Occupy Wall Street” protests…
'Nightly News' makes disguised case for universal health care with latest economic indicator - a slowdown in prescription medication sales.
'Nightly News' reports Obama tax cuts on the way to save the economy, but calls the Bush tax cuts 'for the wealthy.'
NBC News previously called sales on the day after Thanksgiving ‘a giant barometer on the true state of the economy.’
Segment laments the hardships of farmers that are being hurt by a decrease in prices for agricultural goods.
Former Lehman CEO Dick Fuld donated heavily to Dem campaigns.
A journalist mistook the Dow Jones' recent low for an event that hasn't happened in a decade.