Nightly News

Alex Christy | November 2, 2024
The media fearmongering about pro-lifers is nothing new. Admitting the fears are false, but fearmongering anyway is something different. Yet, that is…
Alex Christy | January 2, 2024
[See NewsBusters for more.]  As Americans headed home from their holiday vacations, some had the misfortune of having pro-Palestinian demonstrators…
Scott Whitlock | April 19, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] The Biden administration, desperate to hide the exploding crisis at the border, dumped the March crossing numbers late on…
Kyle Drennen | August 1, 2012
On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams smugly dismissed Mitt Romney's overseas trip as having, "ended today almost the way it started…
Rich Noyes | October 5, 2011
NBC's Brian Williams led off his October 5 newscast with a glowing story about the growth and diversity of the far-left “Occupy Wall Street” protests…
Jpoor | December 29, 2008
'Nightly News' makes disguised case for universal health care with latest economic indicator - a slowdown in prescription medication sales.
Jpoor | December 28, 2008
'Nightly News' reports Obama tax cuts on the way to save the economy, but calls the Bush tax cuts 'for the wealthy.'
Jpoor | November 30, 2008
NBC News previously called sales on the day after Thanksgiving ‘a giant barometer on the true state of the economy.’
Jpoor | October 14, 2008
Segment laments the hardships of farmers that are being hurt by a decrease in prices for agricultural goods.
Jpoor | October 6, 2008
Former Lehman CEO Dick Fuld donated heavily to Dem campaigns.
Jpoor | October 6, 2008
A journalist mistook the Dow Jones' recent low for an event that hasn't happened in a decade.