Stephen Gutowski | October 19, 2011
The Android team at Google has released their latest Nexus phone. It looks amazing.
Stephen Gutowski | October 19, 2011
Phandroid got their hands on the next google Nexus phone and went through all the new features. What an amazing phone.
Stephen Gutowski | October 18, 2011
During a recent town hall New Jersey Governor Chris Christie told the crowd what he thinks about the Occupy Wall Street protest.
Stephen Gutowski | October 13, 2011
While speaking at Messiah College's American Democracy Lecture Frances Fox Piven defends her comments in support of the riots in Greece and England. She says that riots are what poor people do when they get together. She also reiterates her belief that breaking windows isn't that bad but prefers protesters refrain from doing so because it creates bad PR.
Stephen Gutowski | October 13, 2011
After Fox News's Ed Henry quoted Mitt Romney's criticism of President Obama's foreign policy leadership the President commented that he "didn't know you were the spokesperson for Mitt Romney".
Stephen Gutowski | October 13, 2011
Earlier this week Frances Fox Piven was invited to speak at Messiah College's American Democracy Lecture. Since Messiah College is my alma mater and I was unhappy with the invitation I decided to attend so I could see exactly what she had to say and how the school was going to handle the event. To nobody's surprise Ms. Piven made a plethora of controversial claims and assertions.Among the most…
Stephen Gutowski | October 13, 2011
When asked by an audience member at Messiah College's American Democracy Lecture why the Tea Party supports Herman Cain if they are racists Frances Fox Piven responds that much of his support is derived from Tea Partiers not wanting to appear racist.
Stephen Gutowski | October 13, 2011
While speaking at Messiah College's American Democracy Lecture and after having her standard for a successful movement applied to the Tea Party by an audience member Frances Fox Pive said she believes that the Tea Party is an authentic movement. She, of course, went on to say that it isn't a movement she identifies with and she would like to see another movement spring up in oposition.
Stephen Gutowski | October 13, 2011
While speaking at Messiah College on October 11th Frances Fox Piven said that one of the motivations of the Tea Party movement is opposition to having a black President. The crowd, which included a group of Tea Partiers, took issue with that assertion and one man shouted out, to cheers, that the Tea Party doesn't care about the President's skin color just that he follows the constitution. (audio…
Stephen Gutowski | October 12, 2011
The fine folks at put out this wonderful video explaining the enormous benefits of economic freedom.