Stephen Gutowski | December 13, 2011
While campaigning for Massachusetts governor in 2002 Mitt Romney told a local news station that he is not a partisan Republican and his views are progressive. This clip, which was unearthed by Akaczynski1, comes from a period when Mitt Romney is widely known to, and readily admits to, have had policy positions that diverged from most Republicans. So it remains to be seen whether or not this will…
Stephen Gutowski | December 12, 2011
The Occupiers in Portland were caught today with, among other things, a loaded gun whose permit was expired and a sword. Yea, a sword.As bizarre as that sounds, and obviously is, it's also quite fitting for this group of rag tag liberals. After all they essentially want to bring back a form of feudalism... so why not swords too? After all they want to take from those who are actually working,…
Stephen Gutowski | December 12, 2011
Jane Fonda is apparently terrified of anybody who wants social security reform, doubts global warming, and doesn't want communists to kill our troops. (h/t Verum Serum)
Stephen Gutowski | December 9, 2011
From that funny fellow Steven Crowder comes Quebec Corner's Politically Correct Christmas. Join us for some leftist approved laughs!
Stephen Gutowski | December 9, 2011
This needs to be put to the Benny Hill theme. Hilarious. (h/t Fox Nation)
Stephen Gutowski | December 8, 2011
Michelle Malkin pushes back against the Obama administration's latest bizarre attempt to white wash terrorist attacks. This time the admin labeled the Fort Hood shooting as "workplace violence". (h/t Verum Serum)
Stephen Gutowski | December 7, 2011
The Discovery Channel show Mythbusters was testing how fast a cannonball would travel when they accidentally misfired and sent a cannonball into a near by neighborhood. Nobody was hurt thankfully.
Stephen Gutowski | December 7, 2011
Back in 2009, when ACORN still existed, Bertha Lewis went on the media rounds to defend her organization's decision to break into foreclosed homes and squat in them. It was a relatively big story at the time and Lee Doren over at How the World Works did a great overview of the whole ordeal at the time. However, nothing beats this classic Stewart Varney interview with Ms. Lewis on Fox Business:…
Stephen Gutowski | December 7, 2011
In 2009 ACORN's Bertha Lewis went on Fox Business to defend her organizations seizure of foreclosed houses across the country. Today Occupy Wall Street is using the exact same tactics. (h/t sirfith)
Stephen Gutowski | December 7, 2011
In what has become a common far left tactic a group of idiots stormed a house that was foreclosed on. Apparently these houses were taken away from "the community" by their rightful owner and that is the same as stealing or something. I guess the idea is that paying your mortgage shouldn't be a condition of keeping your house anymore... or something. (h/t Verum Serum)