papagiorgio200 | February 26, 2012
In this round of liberal lunacy Larry Elder explains why Chris Matthews is a junk bond news man. (Posted by The above should be listened to before listening to this audio upload interview by Larry Elder of Chris Matthews: For more clear thinking like this from Larry Elder... I invite you to visit:
papagiorgio200 | February 26, 2012
The only thing that has changed is the administrations politics -- Republican to Democrat. (Posted by Pundit has the story: forward to today…Hillary Clinton told CNN that…
papagiorgio200 | February 25, 2012
The presentation is done by Professor of Philosophy & Religion at Liberty University, Dr. Mark Foreman. A soon to be published book where he has an in-depth chapter refuting "Zeitgeist," is in this book: Come Let Us Reason: New Essays in Christian Apologetics(Posted by
papagiorgio200 | February 25, 2012
Obama thinks America (well... liberals... since that was his audience) are dumb. Well, they (liberals) are. Algae... come on!! (Posted by more clear thinking like this from Dennis Prager... I invite you to visit: Thanks to BreitbartTV for posting! 
papagiorgio200 | February 24, 2012
Dennis Prager a few days earlier ( mentioned that if the Democrats say they represent the voters – then by all means, let them vote! WAPO’s Jonathan Capehart impromptu debate on Morning Joe with Gov. Christie made him look, well, not so “elite” media'ish. Dennis Prager has some great…
papagiorgio200 | February 20, 2012
Chris Rosebrough of Pirate Christian Radio ( discusses quickley a new book by author, Peter Enns, entitled, The Evolution of Adam. As is the problem with postmodernity and the liberal viewpoint of revelation and the Bible, eisegesis is practiced rather than exegesis. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk.)
papagiorgio200 | February 19, 2012
Dennis Prager takes a few calls on the subject after setting the issue up nicely. A great response to the first caller’s final point is necessary for the average water cooler conversation response. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk.) For more clear thinking like this from Dennis Prager... I invite you to visit:
papagiorgio200 | February 15, 2012
Larry Elder relays the story of a lunch sent home for being "unhealthy" when in fact the fussy young girl ended up only eating 3-chicken nuggets. Moms know best! Not the schools! This led into an opportunity for "The Sage" to explain what happens when government gets involved with personal freedoms... usually overreaching of it, making the individual smaller; and the other consequence? Rationing…
papagiorgio200 | February 14, 2012
Hugh Hewitt and later Mark Steyn comment on the New Yorker Magazine’s anti-Catholic stance found in John Cassidy’s article that if said of the homosexual community or against feminist proclivities, heads would surely roll. However, as is pointed out, bashing with the most vitriolic bigotry the Catholic Church or the Christian faith is of the highest progressive elite order. Mark Steyn makes a…
papagiorgio200 | February 14, 2012
Larry Elder -- the "Sage" of South Central -- weaves a tale of politically correct multi-cultural leftism only the way Larry can. He excoriates the politics of race on the left, including Whitney Houston, Diana Ross, Michael Steele, Justice Clarence Thomas, congressional candidate Charlotte Bergmann, Herman Cain, and the like. The racially divisive Left are heaping upon their heads coal (Acts 17:…