papagiorgio200 | February 11, 2012
In this short video, one comes to realize that there is no correlation to the temperature rising and Co2 leading that change... in fact, the latter is a consequence of the former. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk.)
papagiorgio200 | February 11, 2012
A couple of calls (one virulently anti-Catholic) and topics that include Susan G. Komen, a Peggy Noonan article, Barbara Boxers's "McCarthyism" comment, as well as some common sense. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk.)
papagiorgio200 | February 10, 2012
From Global Warming to breast implants, Dennis Prager lists a few of his list that will show up in his new book. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk.)
papagiorgio200 | February 10, 2012
Does a mini-ice age prove global warming? According to Rachel Maddow it does. Dennis Prager envelopes the lefts thinking that controls the "sciences" (scientism) and language ~ thus, ruining everything it [leftism] touches. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk.)For more clear thinking like this from Dennis Prager... I invite you to visit:
papagiorgio200 | February 10, 2012
Dennis Prager speaks about the lack of melt waters (essentially zero) from the world’s major glaciers. This is significant because proponents of global warming have for years predicted the exact opposite... before the data is collected that is!  (Posted by Religio-Political Talk.) For more clear thinking like this from Dennis Prager... I invite you to visit:
papagiorgio200 | February 7, 2012
Dennis Prager shows the mendacious attitude of the Left to think they know best as compared to all of human history (cultural and religious history) before them. This upload is connected with this blog post:
papagiorgio200 | February 5, 2012
The encroachment of big government in everyday life is exemplified well in this diatribe (a rightful diatribe mind you) against an Obama Czar and the growth of taxpayer monies spent. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk.)
papagiorgio200 | February 5, 2012
Here you see Michael Medved humbly pulling back on his use of "Dr. Demento" when speaking about Ron Paul. Medved rightly makes the distinction between Ron Paul's good stances and his horrible ones. It's a 50/50 good/bad with Dr. Paul. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk.)
papagiorgio200 | February 5, 2012
In talking to Professor Geoffrey Kabaservice about his new book, Michael Medved makes a great point (and challenge to Kabaservice) about the shift of culture and how the Republican Party is still trying to hold to its original principles. In other words... when the left paints conservatives as extremists, the only thing "extreme" about our [conservatives or religious conservatives] positions is…
papagiorgio200 | February 5, 2012
Kevin and Bean run through the list of highest payed entertainers, and then discussion humorously turns towards the hatred and/or love of Gwyneth Paltrow. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk.)