papagiorgio200 | January 6, 2012
Penn Jillette hints that Congress cannot even memorialize religious beliefs in any way. He -- obviously -- does not know the history of (the pre-drafts to the First Amendment) and the interpretations of it by the people who wrote it. I have written and borrowed others writings on this matter and combined them here for the curious: Posted…
papagiorgio200 | January 5, 2012
As Above.Posted by RPT: Religio-Political Talk
papagiorgio200 | January 5, 2012
During an interview of Andrew Breitbart by Dennis Prager, the two men discuss the lefts tendency to portray conservative men of stature as much less than that by using race-cards, false accusations, nad the like.Posted by RPT: Religio-Political Talk
papagiorgio200 | January 5, 2012
During a larger interview of Andrew Breitbart by Dennis Prager, Andrew explains the "weinergate" scandal and how it broke.Posted by RPT: Religio-Political Talk
papagiorgio200 | January 5, 2012
One of my favorite routines from Mitch Hedberg fits well with two Obama voters stuck on an escalator. Common sense versus entitlement society.Posted by RPT: Religio-Political Talk
papagiorgio200 | January 5, 2012
A group of kids is brought on a school field trip and much to parents dismay, they end up worshiping Allah. Could you imagine the outcry if this had been a field trip to a Catholic church and this happened?
papagiorgio200 | January 4, 2012
S.E. Cupp debates militant Atheism with Bill Maher. This video is dated but classic!Posted by RPT: Religio-Political Talk
papagiorgio200 | January 4, 2012
Alan Keyes defends the Natural Law position while Alan Dershowitz defends the legal positivism side of the philosophy of law. This debate is long... so you really must love the intricacies of legal philosophy and Natural Law. This is Alan Keyes at his best.Posted by RPT: Religio-Political Talk
papagiorgio200 | January 3, 2012
The caller immediately tries to compare Islamic Terrorists to Christians, bringing up Timothy McVeigh. Then he goes into another tired old myth about Bush praying to get approval for war against Afghans and Iraqis from God, another tired old myth.For more clear thinking like this from Michael Medved... I invite you to become a Medhead: