Rich Noyes | October 22, 2014
On October 22, CNN daytime anchor Carol Costello told her audience to "sit back and enjoy" what she thought was "the best minute and a half of audio we've ever come across" — audio of a police interview with Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol, in which the young woman described how a man shoved her, dragged her on the ground and repeatedly cursed at her.  
Rich Noyes | October 22, 2014
MSNBC's Chris Matthews opened the October 21 Hardball on this inflammatory note: “Killing the black vote. This is Hardball." Moments later, Matthews expanded on his scurrilous charge: "This is rotten stuff, isn’t it? The Republican effort to kill the black vote in state after state: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Florida, Texas. We can all see what they’re doing. Believing they can’t…
Rich Noyes | October 16, 2014
Full story at Radio talk show host Dennis Miller had a few choice zingers for NBC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman after Snyderman was caught breaking a voluntary 21-day quarantine after a member of her crew in Liberia contracted Ebola. Appearing on FNC’s The O’Reilly Factor Wednesday night, Miller suggested Snyderman should be fired for her transgression,…
Rich Noyes | October 8, 2014
On the October 7 edition of his political show, With All Due Respect, Bloomberg co-host John Heilemann offered commentary as he watched a clip of Bill Clinton campaigning in Arkansas: “The hands, they’re like the paintbrushes of Picasso. He just uses them as an artistic expression mode....The thing about Clinton is, everybody thinks he’s a great improviser, and he is a great improviser. But he…
Rich Noyes | October 6, 2014
On the October 6 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe, New York Times reporter Nicholas Confessore jumped into a debate about whether Islamic extremism was the greatest threat to civilization by nominating his own candidate for worst menace: global warming. Co-host Joe Scarborough: “What’s a greater threat to civilization, Christian extremism, Jewish extremism or Muslim extremism?”NBC’s Ayman…
Rich Noyes | September 30, 2014
On the September 29 edition of CNN's OutFront, anchor Erin Burnett cooed over the pictures of the Clinton clan leaving the hospital: “Just moments ago, Chelsea Clinton and her new baby girl Charlotte, left the hospital....This is sort of like, you know, kind of reminds of the whole Kate and William moment. I mean, isn’t it even the same dress?”  
Rich Noyes | September 22, 2014
Previewing a segment on the September 21 edition of NBC's Meet the Press, new host Chuck Todd suggested cutting taxes was putting Republicans into electoral jeopardy. “Some Americans suddenly saying tax cutting has gone too far?” Todd announced as the show began. “Could Republicans now become the victims of a new anti anti-tax fever?”
Rich Noyes | September 20, 2014
The September 19 edition of FNC's Special Report with Bret Baier featured a full report by MediaBuzz host Howard Kurtz detailing the egregious double standard the Media Research Center documented in how the Big Three broadcast networks heavily covered President George W. Bush's low poll ratings in 2006, but are largely silent about President Barack Obama's low approval.Read the full study: http…
Rich Noyes | September 11, 2014
Appearing on MSNBC's Hardball on September 10, HBO host Bill Maher griped about how the public was upset by ISIS terrorists who beheaded two American journalists when they could instead have been panicking about global warming: “Do we really need to make a bogey man out of everybody? I get it that ISIS is bad, but they’re not that different than so many other Islamic villains....The other day,…
Rich Noyes | September 9, 2014
In contrast to how the Big Three evening newscasts have barely mentioned their own polls showing low approval ratings for President Obama, those same networks were relentless in covering the polls at this point in George W. Bush's presidency.