
Stephen Gutowski | March 1, 2010
For those who couldn't watch all seven hours of the President's health care summit, this video brings together all of the day's highlights.
Colleen | March 1, 2010
In an interview with CNN and Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria, George Soros says the fin. crisis has led to a "bankruptcy" of free-market ideology
Jpoor | March 1, 2010
Billionaire investor applauds Keynesian economic approach White House is employing in down economy.
Scott Whitlock | March 1, 2010
Former Democratic aide turned journalist George Stephanopoulos interviewed current Democratic operative James Carville on Monday's Good Morning…
MRCTVone | March 1, 2010
MarkF | February 28, 2010
On Meet the Press, Katty Kay of the BBC claims that the quality of health care in the US is "just above Cuba, just below Costa Rica."
BizarreReport | February 28, 2010
Josh Sacco's 'Herb Brooks Miracle Speech' Re-Edit Featuring Team USA Reacting To 'Little Herb's' Motivational Speech.
MarkF | February 27, 2010
Obama Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood in a commercial broadcast during the Olympics telling people not to text-and-drive.
Stephen Gutowski | February 26, 2010
I interview many of those who attended CPAC to see what they thought of it and why, exactly, they attended. | February 26, 2010
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) said the white House needs to remove anti-Catholic adviser Harry Knox and that retaining him this long was "absurd" and an "…
Colleen | February 26, 2010
On "American Morning" the figure that 46 million Americans are uninsured is repeated and goes unchallenged. | February 26, 2010
Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) expressed outrage that the Air Force "dis-invited" a conservative leader from speaking at a prayer event at Andrews AFB.
Scott Whitlock | February 26, 2010
Good Morning America co-host George Stephanopoulos on Friday offered Democratic spin for the issue of the using reconciliation to pass the health…
Geoffrey | February 26, 2010
Chris Matthews on Thursday's Hardball dissected the GOP health care summit strategy as one of keeping their "crazies" like Michele Bachman and Joe… | February 26, 2010
While insisting she's running the most ethical Congress ever, Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she won't ask Ways and Means Chair Charlie Rangel to resign--… | February 26, 2010
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)claimed she talked to Catholic bishops about abortion in the health care bill and that the Senate health bill…
MRCvidprod | February 26, 2010
February 19, 2010
MRCvidprod | February 26, 2010
February 19, 2010