
Nick Kangadis | February 16, 2016
(Image: The Ellen DeGeneres Show) Former UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion Ronda Rousey said that she contemplated suicide after her loss to…
danjoseph | February 16, 2016
According to former Miss Arkansas Sally Miller, Bill Clinton engaged in some pretty strange....ahem...foreplay when he was governor of Arkansas. In…
ashley.rae | February 16, 2016
Following Stevie Wonder’s joke about being blind during Monday night’s Grammy Awards, a British radio station is asking whether people should be…
Craig Bannister | February 16, 2016
Sheriff Jim DeWees, a retired captain with the Maryland State Police, has published a letter to Pres. Obama, rebuking him for failing to acknowledge…
danjoseph | February 16, 2016
What do you do when someone complains about the service at your local business? Why, threaten to kill them with an eight-inch curved knife, of…
Jeffdunetz | February 16, 2016
The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia may have set off a political battle over who and when to replace him, but, while that is…
Alan Moore | February 16, 2016
Oh, how the tables have turned. The Democrats have been attacking Republicans for "obstructionism" since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia over…
Nick Kangadis | February 16, 2016
(Image: Twitter/OCAD) Protesters shut down the street in front of the recently purchased Chicago Stock Exchange on Tuesday calling for the…
ashley.rae | February 16, 2016
Following the November Paris terrorist attack that killed nearly 90 during an Eagles of Death Metal concert at the Bataclan, frontman Jesse Hughes…
danjoseph | February 15, 2016
Admit it. You've thought about sliding down that median that separates the escalators from each other at the subway station. But, most of us are not…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 15, 2016
Heartbreaking photos have emerged online of a starving Nigerian toddler being given food and water by a Danish humanitarian worker after he was…
Nick Kangadis | February 15, 2016
(Image: CBS News/60 Minutes) In a very rare interview, CIA Director John Brennan sat down with Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes and talked about how…
ashley.rae | February 15, 2016
A majority of Democrats think the American justice system is fundamentally unjust. A recent YouGov poll conducted from Feb. 4-5 asked 1,000…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 15, 2016
If you’re one of millions of Americans fortunate enough to have had a date for Valentine’s Day, you just might want to check the tag on that pretty…
Nick Kangadis | February 15, 2016
(Image: Steve Petteway/Zuma Press) The owner of the Cibolo Creek Ranch, John Poindexter, described the scene after finding the body of United…
Craig Bannister | February 15, 2016
If you believe the headlines, virtually all of the world’s ills could be solved by stopping the planet from its alleged warming. A review of the…
ashley.rae | February 15, 2016
The adorable “Powerpuff Girls” you knew and loved growing up have now turned into man-hating feminists. The preview for Cartoon Network’s series…
Jeffdunetz | February 14, 2016
Because Justice Antonin Scalia was the deciding vote in many 5-4 decisions which preserved American's liberties, a Supreme Court  replacement for…
Monica Sanchez | February 13, 2016
Image via Screenshot During the CBS Republican presidential debate Saturday night, Sen. Marco Rubio said that he thanks God “all the time” that…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 13, 2016
Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Jeb Bush didn’t pull any punches going after one another in Saturday night’s GOP debate in South…