
Ben Graham | July 23, 2015
Thanks to an executive order signed by Governor Doug Ducey (R-AZ), Arizona’s National Guardsman will now be permitted to arm themselves for self-…
danjoseph | July 23, 2015
Due to its association with slave owner Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson--who is held largely responsible for the deaths of countless Native…
anthony.christopher | July 23, 2015
Deepa Kumar is an associate professor of  "Journalism and Media Studies" at the publicly-funded Rutgers University. She is an academic, media…
Tyler McNally | July 23, 2015
Apparently, head-butting a parked bus is not the smartest thing to do. File this under what NOT to do when you get mad regarding bus fare -…
ashley.rae | July 22, 2015
Piers Morgan has weighed in on a controversy regarding Nicki Minaj, enraging the segment of the Internet known as “Black Twitter.” Last night, Minaj…
Ben Graham | July 22, 2015
Presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was victim to an outright bizarre attack from fellow GOP candidate Donald Trump where Trump decided…
Alan Moore | July 22, 2015
Senator, presidential candidate, and self-described socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) today introduced a bill that would raise the federal minimum wage…
Tyler McNally | July 22, 2015
A professor of physics at the University of California, Irvine, tweeted Wednesday that the increase raised wages for all University of California…
Jeffdunetz | July 22, 2015
President Obama has said that one reason for negotiating the P5+1 agreement with Iran is that it will prevent a nuclear arms race in the gulf region…
ashley.rae | July 22, 2015
After Inside Edition reporter Zoey Tur threatened to send Breitbart Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro “home in an ambulance,” Tur took to Twitter to…
Ben Graham | July 22, 2015
Two friends got together with their high-speed, high-definition camera and recorded themselves popping a six-foot, water-filled super-balloon. But…
Craig Bannister | July 22, 2015
Politicians and pundits top the list of the nine most bizarre cameo appearances you’ll see tonight when “Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!” debuts on the SyFy…
Corwin Parks | July 22, 2015
In the undercover sting video put out by Center for Medical Progress, the president of Planned Parenthood Medical Directors’ Council, Dr. Mary…
Alan Moore | July 22, 2015
The New York Times today released a hateful editorial defending the fetal trafficking practices of abortion giant Planned Parenthood. The piece…
Tyler McNally | July 22, 2015
Six years after the Great Recession ended, more children now live in poverty than during the recession says the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a group…
ashley.rae | July 22, 2015
In order to start a conversation about political correctness, a Florida gun shop owner announced his store is a “Muslim-free zone.”  Andy Hallinan…
Ben Graham | July 22, 2015
A Peshmerga official says that ISIS just lost two of its leaders in a pretty pathetic way. While driving along the road in a convoy, ISIS triggered…
Ben Graham | July 21, 2015
In a new video posted to her Youtube account, Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina opens fire on Democrats for their “deafening silence” as they…
ashley.rae | July 21, 2015
In the latest video released by the Center for Medical Progress, yet another Planned Parenthood official is caught callously discussing the price…
Alan Moore | July 21, 2015
A new New Jersey law makes it illegal for private religious cemeteries to sell headstones. That may come as a shock, but the multifaceted story…