
Ben Graham | June 8, 2015
Bet you’ve never been as excited to wake up in a hospital bed as this young boy. Walker apparently fell off a rope swing and broke his arm in two…
mrctvstaff | June 8, 2015
Have you ever thought about joining the military? Don’t know whether you should join the Army, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Navy, or Air Force? Well…
ashley.rae | June 8, 2015
Ironically, the Human Rights Campaign has diversity problem, according to a report commissioned by the non-profit itself.  The HRC is now being…
Jeffdunetz | June 8, 2015
According to a research study conducted by the Associated Press since 2010, the number of abortions have declined in almost each of the 45 states…
Jeffdunetz | June 8, 2015
According to a research study conducted by the Associated Press since 2010, the number of abortions has declined in 43 of the 45 states that…
Tyler McNally | June 8, 2015
During an interview on BBC's Newsnight, actor Sir Patrick Stewart came to the defense of Irish Christian bakers who were fined £500 - approximately $…
Ben Graham | June 6, 2015
  “Everything is distorted. We feel like our story is not being told,” Jill Dillard told Megyn Kelly during an hour-long program that aired Friday…
Claire.Lejeune | June 5, 2015
On June 5th, 2004, America lost a great American President unlike there has ever been. In memory of his great Presidency here are 5 of his great…
Jeffdunetz | June 5, 2015
The fear of Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio felt by liberals and the mainstream media was seen on Friday when the NY Times reported…
ashley.rae | June 5, 2015
  Emma Sulkowicz, the infamous "Mattress Girl," has released a pornographic video including violent sexual acts that "resemble rape." On the…
Tyler McNally | June 5, 2015
Over two-and-a-half decades ago, one man unknowingly became the subject of one of the most iconic pictures of all time.  Thursday marked the 26th…
Ben Graham | June 5, 2015
Liberals can say some pretty kooky things when given the platform to do it. The Media Research Center has 27 years worth of archives full of evidence…
Tyler McNally | June 5, 2015
On Tuesday, a woman filed a federal lawsuit against St. Louis County for two of its police officers allegedly shooting and killing her four-year-old…
Ben Graham | June 5, 2015
There are all sorts of creative and elaborate wedding proposals on YouTube - ranging from choreographed flash mobs to mass sing-alongs.  With each…
mrctvstaff | June 5, 2015
World War II is a monumental event in American history. It is arguably the most tragic episode in human history. All good United States citizens…
ashley.rae | June 4, 2015
While Americans will be celebrating freedom for their upcoming Fourth of July weekend, socialists in Australia will be hosting a conference with…
Craig Bannister | June 4, 2015
On Wednesday, First Lady Michelle Obama put kids to work in the White House kitchen and showed them just how grueling the task of preparing a…
Tyler McNally | June 4, 2015
A Connecticut man frantically called 911 after his cat attacked him in his home Thursday morning. The feline reportedly stopped the man and his wife…
danjoseph | June 4, 2015
Greetings from the land of dumb tweets. Let's face it. If you're a public figure, you're going to say something stupid every now and then. Typically…
Jeffdunetz | June 4, 2015
In an interview with The Daily Beast published Thursday, leftist actor John Cusack criticized President Barack Obama for continuing, and even…