Bill Clinton

Kyle Drennen | July 13, 2012
In an interview aired on Friday's NBC Today, former President Bill Clinton began by attacking Republicans: "I'm not sure both sides want the economy…
MRCTVone | June 1, 2012
MRCTV's Joe Schoffstall caught up with former President Bill Clinton at a 'Recall Walker' rally in Milwaukee, WI and asked him to clarify why he was…
MattH | May 25, 2012
Liberal comedian David Letterman mused that "Poor Bill Clinton" was "hammered" harder than any other president during the Lewinsky scandal. Letterman…
Geoffrey | May 2, 2012
"Women who've been polled seem to put it behind them as well, and are willing to move on and forget it. Is that because Bill Clinton's been such a…
Geoffrey | May 1, 2012
"I think there are real questions about separation of powers and I don't think he [Clinton] should go up there [appear before the Senate]. And second…
MRCTVone | November 6, 2011
WMAL, WASHINGTON -- Kathleen Willey, a former White House aide during the Clinton administration who accused the former President of sexually…
Ken Shepherd | November 4, 2011
"With Herman Cain, let's remember here, Sean, we have nobody on the record, we have no specific allegation of anything that's happened,"…