liberal media bias

Eric Scheiner | June 5, 2017
CNN’s Reza Aslan’s reaction to the June 3rd London terrorist attack wasn’t about the terrorists or the victims – it was about his hatred of Trump.…
Alissa Lopez | August 17, 2016
  It’s not much of a surprise that Chris Matthews on Tuesday’s Hardball -- along with the show's accompanying screen graphics -- conveniently…
Alissa Lopez | August 15, 2016
Liberals will always say that they truly care about the LGBT community, but do they really?  The Department of State released a statement on…
danjoseph | August 11, 2016
I run down the week's most glaring examples of liberal media bias. Trust me, there's plenty to choose from.
Jeffdunetz | April 8, 2016
As reported at NewsBusters , CNN's Jeffrey Toobin tried to label Ted Cruz's "NY values” comment as a '“derogatory term” about Jews which amounted to…
Monica Sanchez | October 29, 2015
Following the CNBC Republican primary debate in Boulder, Colo. on Wednesday, presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson joined “The Kelly File” to…
danjoseph | July 16, 2015
In the wake of the discovery that a Planned Parenthood official was caught on video discussing selling organs from aborted fetuses, MSNBC reporter…
Monica Sanchez | May 5, 2015
Retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina threw their hats into the 2016 presidential race on Monday. NBC…
MarkF | September 30, 2013
On Morning Joe,  Mark Halperin says that the Obama admin has little incentive to negotiate because it believes a "sympathetic" press will blame…