Ian Hanchett | October 5, 2012
 During a stump speech, Vice President Joe Biden admitted that the Obama Administration wants to increase taxes by one trillion dollars. Maybe it's part of the Obama plan to stop burying the middle class like it has for the past four years.    
Ian Hanchett | October 5, 2012
 David Lowery, the President of the Chicago South Suburban Branch of the NAACP, claims that an Obama campaign official threatened him for refusing to support President Obama. Lowery says that the campaign staffer told him "I know everything about you" and "We've been watching you" before threatening to "deal with" Lowery for refusing to support President Obama. Civil political discourse, pass it…
Ian Hanchett | October 4, 2012
  Democratic spin doctors have made many pathetic excuses for President Obama's performance in last night's debate, but Al Gore managed to come up with the worst one. Gore, in all seriousness, blamed the high altitude in Denver  for President Obama's bad performance. Even better, the rest of the crew on Current TV seemed to agree with Mr. Gore's theory. Video via GOPICYMI.  
Ian Hanchett | October 4, 2012
US Representative Mario Diaz-Balart fired back at CNN for over-covering Mitt Romney’s comments about PBS and repeating the "Mitt Romney wants to fire Big Bird" trope.  The United States is in the middle of an economic downturn, terrorists attacked the US Consulate less than a month ago, the US faces a huge budget deficit, and CNN is reporting on Big Bird. 
Ian Hanchett | October 4, 2012
 Disgraced former anchor Dan Rather somberly stated that Mitt Romney soundly defeated President Obama in last night's debate. Mr. Rather didn't tell us that this analysis was based on any memos obtained from a reliable source, so it's probably safe to suspend disbelief.  
Ian Hanchett | October 4, 2012
At a discussion at Purdue University, Temple University Professor Niambi Carter suggested that the term "Illegal Immigrant" is part of a discriminatory attempt to wear down certain groups in America. Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't saying that "Illegal Immigrant" is racist and classist imply that only certain races and classes violate the law? I think that suggestion is pretty discriminatory.…
Ian Hanchett | October 4, 2012
Bill Maher and Mike Barnicle conceded that President Obama was lost without his beloved teleprompter last night. Barnicle suggested that the lack of a teleprompter was partially to blame for President Obama's dismal performance in the debate.  Maher tweeted that President Obama looked like he needed a teleprompter. For all those who believe President Obama is a great rhetorician, "Great orator"…
Ian Hanchett | October 4, 2012
CNN's analysts were forced to admit that President Obama lost last night's debate to Mitt Romney. Even Obama's spin doctor, Stephanie Cutter, was forced to admit defeat. When James Carville, Van Jones, and Stephanie Cutter admit Obama lost, it's not a good night for the president. 
Ian Hanchett | October 4, 2012
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani took MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes to task for Hayes' misrepresentation of the Bush tax cuts. When Giuliani debunked Hayes' assertions, Hayes attempted to attack Giuliani personally. Last night was just a bad night for liberals who tried to debate. 
Ian Hanchett | October 3, 2012
In an interview on The Tom Joyner Morning Show, First Lady Michelle Obama stated that her husband has done a good job working around Congress during his presidency. I'm sensing that a new slogan for the Obama campaign has been born.