Ian Hanchett | October 1, 2012
Hidalgo County (TX) Sheriff Lupe Trevino was caught on tape demoting a veteran officer to a department filled with junior officers. Trevino admitted the officer was doing their job properly, but demoted them because they refused to attend a campaign event and wouldn’t put up a yard sign for Trevino. Trevino even admits on tape that the firing is motivated by politics. Video via Mark Owen.
Ian Hanchett | October 1, 2012
 Former Democratic Pollster Pat Caddell stated that biased reporting poses a threat to the survival of the American system of government.  Caddell also argued that the media have abdicated their duty to report the truth to the American people. Video via aimaccuracy. 
Ian Hanchett | September 26, 2012
Democratic candidates seem to have developed a fear of cameras this week. In New Hampshire, Democrat Congressional candidate Ann McLane Kuster stole a camera from one of her opponent's staffers. Even worse, West Virginia Attorney General Darrell McGraw assaulted an opposing staff member for filming him. Apparently, Democrats are for the common man, just not when he has a camera. Thanks to the…
Ian Hanchett | September 26, 2012
Guy Benson called the mainstream media out on its biased reporting of Mitt Romney's tax returns on Tuesday. Benson pointed out that the media has largely buried talk of Romney's taxes now that his newly released returns show that Romney was completely truthful about his taxes and gave more to charity than President Obama. Thanks to Townhall.com. 
Ian Hanchett | September 26, 2012
The popular Democratic Party talking point that women make less than men for the same work was refuted by reality last week. David Johnson, an official with the US Census Bureau, told reporters that there is no way to measure equal pay for equal work.   
Ian Hanchett | September 26, 2012
 Former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu criticized the Obama Administration for trying to cover up its failure to protect Ambassador Stevens. Sununu then argued that President Obama's poor attendance record at White House national security briefings is a sign of arrogance. I am shocked that someone who predicted that their election would slow the rise of the seas has a big ego.   
Ian Hanchett | September 26, 2012
   MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell and other reporters gleefully ran a report that Paul Ryan was referring to Mitt Romney as "Stench." Problem is, the piece that the media based its report on was satire. The author of the original article, Roger Simon, wrote a note explaining the satirical nature of the writing: "Jonathan Swift did not really want Irish people to sell their children for food in 1791…
Ian Hanchett | September 26, 2012
A poll released by the National Association of Manufacturers, and the National Federation of Independent Businesses showed that 69% of current small business owners and manufacturers think the Obama Administration's regulations have hurt small business and manufacturing. 55% stated that they would not start a business given what they know today about the government and the economy. Two thirds of…
Ian Hanchett | September 26, 2012
Yesterday, Lehigh University Professor James Peterson accused Republicans of "White grievance" against President Obama because of his race. On the same day, NYU Professor Linda Gordon delivered a speech at UC Santa Barbara where she argued that opponents of President Obama dislike him becaused of racism and hatred of his intellectual style.  Thanks to Campus Reform for the second clip. 
Ian Hanchett | September 26, 2012
New York Post writer John Podhoretz slammed the media, which he accused of taking the role of getting President Obama re-elected on themselves in an article yesterday.