Ian Hanchett | October 3, 2012
 President Obama accused corporations of "Violence" and suggested that the wealthy have a double standard on the idea of non-violence during a speech at the University of Chicago in 2002. Video via morgenr.  
Ian Hanchett | October 3, 2012
David Letterman recently denounced hydraulic fracturing (better known as fracking) on the Late Show. Unfortunately, as this video by EnergyInDepth proves, Letterman should leave the analysis to the experts. 
Ian Hanchett | October 3, 2012
This group of young people cannot vote yet, but that doesn’t stop them from being a powerful voice for freedom and the Constitution. Video via networktalkradio.
Ian Hanchett | October 3, 2012
A new attack against Mitt Romney featuring his garbage collectors has been receiving attention as the Left continues to paint Mitt Romney as another out of touch rich guy.  Unfortunately, Romney’s autobiography, which describes the time Romney spent working as a garbage man, contradicts the liberal narrative.  Video via mindfulwebworker. Warning, there is mild profanity in the on-screen text of…
Ian Hanchett | October 2, 2012
On Thursday, businessman and former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain gave a group of hecklers a lesson in American exceptionalism.  Cain’s sharp response silenced his critics and fired up the audience of students who came to see him speak at the University of Michigan. Video via JobCreatorsSolutions.  
Ian Hanchett | October 2, 2012
Activist Dan Savage accused the Family Research Council of promoting a high suicide rate among homosexual youths at a university-sponsored event at Wisconsin State University on Thursday. Savage also found time to smear Republicans as racists and attack Michele Bachmann's husband. Video via Campus Reform.
Ian Hanchett | October 2, 2012
 President Obama attempted to distance himself from an ad run by Priorities USA that claimed Mitt Romney was responsible for the death of Joe Soptic's wife.  Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager, Stephanie Cutter, has already been caught lying about the campaign's involvement with the ad.  Now, the Obama campaign has been caught repeating the claim of the Priorities USA ad on its official website. …
Ian Hanchett | October 2, 2012
Yesterday, Occupy DC celebrated its first anniversary by disrupting the morning commute on K Street. The group then turned its wrath on several companies located nearby, barging into buildings and yelling at the security guards who tried to keep them out. Stay classy Occupy, stay classy. Video via  dcdirectactionnews.
Ian Hanchett | October 1, 2012
Americans for Prosperity: Michigan drew a crowd at a protest where they sold gas for $1.84, the price of gas when President Obama took office. 200 people lined up to buy gas at pre-Obama levels. The ABC affiliate covering the story provided the usual cover for President Obama by interviewing voters who said they didn't blame the president for high gas prices. Maybe the voters were just happy to…
Ian Hanchett | October 1, 2012
 Ana Maria Rosato, the Communications Director for Democrat Congressional candidate Keith Fitzgerald posted a long diatribe about the supposedly horrible sex lives of Republicans on her blog, Sassy Political Insights. Remember the outrage over the supposed racism of Scott Brown's staffers towards Elizabeth Warren? Something tells me this won't draw as much controversy. The entire clip is…