
Nick Kangadis | November 30, 2016
(Image: Screenshot/YouTube) No matter who is in charge of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) they just always seem to find a way to get…
Nick Kangadis | October 3, 2016
In a story that would even make the late Harambe (RIP) proud, a man wearing a full gorilla suit ran out onto the field at the Detroit Lions/Chicago…
Josh Luckenbaugh | June 28, 2016
Pat Summitt, the winningest basketball coach in NCAA history, passed away Tuesday morning at the age of 64, succumbing in her long battle with…
Nick Kangadis | April 8, 2016
(Image: Blount County Sheriff/WDEF) Three people were hospitalized last Sunday when they ate candy that had extremely high levels of…
melanie.hunter | February 10, 2016
Tennessee Rep. Sheila Butt (R-Columbia) introduces a resolution calling for Article V Constitution.
Nick Kangadis | January 28, 2016
Last month, a town hall was held in Brentwood, Tenn., to discuss Islam in schools. The crowded town hall was filled with concerned parents…
Tyler McNally | July 14, 2015
After spending time as POWs in Tennessee during WWII, German soldiers wrote hundreds of letters back to their captors, who soon became friends, but…
Brad Fox | March 27, 2015
Seven year old Adam Stinnett sported a military style haircut to school just like his step-brother who served in Afghanistan. The haircut earned…
Stephen Gutowski | March 16, 2011
Why is it that union supporters seem so incredibly comfortable with using reprehensible means of displaying their dissatisfaction with things? They'…