MattH | August 4, 2011
CNN's foreign affairs analyst Fareed Zakaria slammed the Tea Party Thursday for its refusal to compromise on the debt ceiling. He excoriated them for "holding the debt ceiling hostage" and threatening to "blow up the economy."
MattH | August 3, 2011
CNN correspondent and resident grouch Jack Cafferty has made it clear before that he loathes the politician Sarah Palin. The fact that she might run for President set him off on another rant Wednesday.
MattH | August 2, 2011
Rep. Connie Mack (R-Fla.) scolded CNN host Piers Morgan for his loaded questions Monday night on the matter of the debt ceiling agreement, which Mack voted against. Morgan belittled the congressman with provocative questions before Mack finally shot back.
MattH | August 2, 2011
Channeling liberal disappointment with President Obama's handling of the debt ceiling, CNN host Don Lemon asked if the President would be "better off" running as a conservative in the next election.
MattH | August 2, 2011
Channeling liberal disappointment with Obama, CNN's Don Lemon asked if the President would be "better off" running as a conservative in the next election.
MattH | August 1, 2011
CNN's Don Lemon began a Saturday evening interview with Tea Party favorite Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) by asking him to discard his talking points and be frank. However, Lemon provided some Democrat talking points of his own as his pointed questions tried to frame the Tea Party as stubborn and overly-ambitious.
MattH | July 29, 2011
CNN's Christine Romans accused House Republicans who voted against Boehner's plan Thursday night of holding the debt ceiling "hostage" to spending cuts. "I'll tell you why they're vilified," she said of the dissenting Republicans to her guest Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), before explaining that they were "using the debt ceiling as leverage" in order to tackle the long-term debt problem.
MattH | July 29, 2011
CNN's John King lauded President Obama on Thursday night's Anderson Cooper 360 for portraying himself as the "grown-up" in the debt ceiling debate. King said of the president that he has "positioned himself smartly here in the middle."
MattH | July 28, 2011
Reporting live from a senior center, CNN's Sandra Endo emphasized the anger and fear of many senior citizens who believe that they might not receive their Social Security and Medicare payments if the debt ceiling is not raised. However, a study by the Bipartisan Policy Center revealed that the government would indeed have enough revenue in August to meet entitlement obligations without defaulting…
MattH | July 28, 2011
CNN's Anderson Cooper correctly reported Wednesday that, according to his network's own poll, more Americans want a balanced debt ceiling approach of increased tax revenue and cuts to spending. What he failed to report was that most Americans also approved of the Republican plan of "Cut, Cap, and Balance." The CNN anchor spun his selectively-picked facts to hurt Republicans in a "Keeping Them…