MattH | June 15, 2011
Piers Morgan provided plenty of awkward questions for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on his Tuesday night appearance on CNN.
MattH | June 14, 2011
CNN's Ali Velshi apparently thinks that the phrase "few and defined" -- used by Madison to describe the powers of the federal government granted by the Constitution -- is outdated.
MattH | June 14, 2011
CNN's John King, the moderator of Monday's New Hampshire Republican Primary debate, asked a couple of obnoxious questions of the candidates, including whether Biden or Palin was a better 2008 vice presidential candidate.
MattH | June 13, 2011
Openly-gay CNN anchor Don Lemon referred to Joy Behar's smear of socially-conservative presidential candidate Rick Santorum in an interview with the candidate Friday, in an effort to put him on the defensive over his stance on gay rights.
MattH | June 13, 2011
Openly-gay CNN anchor Don Lemon -- who told Joy Behar in May that his lifestyle will not affect his objectivity in reporting on gay rights issues -- brought up Behar's smear of Rick Santorum in an interview with the presidential hopeful, to put him on the defensive. Lemon referenced when Behar said Santorum "seems like a big homophobe" to provide opposition to Santorum's claim that he is not a…
MattH | June 10, 2011
Openly-gay CNN anchor Don Lemon was fairly testy in a his interview with GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum. In a clip that played on CNN Newsroom Friday afternoon, he badgered Santorum over if the candidate really had any gay friends, and questioned his stance on gay marriage.
MattH | June 7, 2011
CNN's Wolf Blitzer revealed to Piers Morgan Monday evening that he "sort of believed" Congressman Anthony Weiner's claim that his Twitter account was hacked and that he did not send a lewd photo of himself over the site. 
MattH | June 7, 2011
ABC's George Stephanopoulos went beyond challenging Ann Coulter's assumptions in her new book "Demonic," as he repeatedly interrupted her to correct her historical facts which she had researched. Stephanopoulos interviewed Coulter on Tuesday's Good Morning America, and kept trying to make the point that she was either wrong with her facts or lying about history.
MattH | June 6, 2011
ABC's George Stephanopoulos was apparently offended at the claim made by GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum that President Obama is not feared by America's enemies. On Monday's Good Morning America, he demanded that Santorum provide evidence for such a claim.
MattH | June 3, 2011
ABC's Good Morning America ran a segment Friday berating New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for using a state helicopter to attend his son's baseball game, though the governor had written a personal check to the state the previous afternoon to cover the travel expenses once the story became public. ABC even brought up previous negative headlines from when he remained with his family at Disney World…