MattH | July 7, 2011
NBC's David Gregory apparently thought voting to raise the debt ceiling while closing tax loopholes and cutting taxes elsewhere isn't a tough enough choice for Republicans -- if Democrats make the "tough" choice to cur entitlement spending.
MattH | July 6, 2011
CNN's Christine Romans used the words of the New York Times' phoney "conservative" writer David Brooks to challenge Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) on the stubbornness of Republicans in the debt ceiling debate.
MattH | July 5, 2011
In the wake of rocker Tom Petty threatening legal action if the campaign of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) didn't stop using his music at rallies, Tuesday's Early Show provided a look at past spats between liberal rockers and Republican candidates. Included was Bruce Springsteen's beef with President Reagan in 1984.
MattH | July 1, 2011
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) went on the offensive on CNN Thursday night as he ripped the media not once, but twice for protecting President Obama. He told host Eliot Spitzer, to his face, that he articulated the president's argument better than Obama himself. Spitzer is the former Democrat governor of New York.
MattH | June 30, 2011
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) declared her bid for the presidency Monday, and CNN provided plenty of snarky comments with which to welcome her.
MattH | June 29, 2011
CNN's Jim Acosta, reporting on the "Cut, Cap, Balance" pledge sponsored by grassroots conservative groups, quipped that "it's not exactly cut, cap, and balance. It may be more body-slam and pile-driver."The pledge, which GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is the latest Republican to promise to sign, entails opposing raising the debt ceiling unless three conditions are met: cutting the deficit,…
MattH | June 29, 2011
On Tuesday night, Anderson Cooper apparently thought that Michele Bachmann being the beneficiary of a farm that received federal subsidies was a big enough story to lead off with in his regular news cast -- for the second night in a row. CNN, however, did not ask Bachmann about that issue in a Tuesday morning interview and did not report on the story at all Tuesday until Cooper himself did.
MattH | June 28, 2011
CNN's Kiran Chetry told Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) in a Tuesday interview that she is "prone to misstatements," and asked her if she had intended to make false statements in the past.
MattH | June 28, 2011
One former governor who resigned in disgrace hosted another disgraced former governor Monday evening on CNN's In the Arena. The topic was New York's passage of same-sex marriage legalization, and openly-gay former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey was given quite the sympathetic interview by host Eliot Spitzer.
MattH | June 27, 2011
American Morning co-host Carol Costello apparently thought Fox News' Chris Wallace asking GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann if she is a "flake" was a good question.