MattH | June 24, 2011
CNN's Fareed Zakaria, who has admitted to having off-the-record conversations with President Obama on foreign affairs, praised the president's Afghan speech Wednesday evening as a "remarkable speech for an American president."
MattH | June 23, 2011
With the old "Sheriff of Wall Street" Eliot Spitzer manning a CNN prime-time slot now, the network christened a new sheriff, Obama-appointee Preet Bharara, on Thursday in a puff-piece that failed to mention he was once a chief counsel for Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)
MattH | June 22, 2011
CNN's Christine Romans pressed a pro-life leader on the relevance of social issues in the 2012 elections Tuesday, but Anderson Cooper thought President Obama's flip-flops on same-sex marriage important enough to lead with on his show.
MattH | June 22, 2011
Last Wednesday, CNN's Eliot Spitzer gave Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards plenty of time to air her spin and barely questioned her argument for federal funding. However, the next night he sparred with the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins from the get-go and trashed his argument that the organization is facing legal troubles.
MattH | June 21, 2011
CNN's Jack Cafferty grilled the NBC producers who edited out "under God" and "indivisible" from a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in the opening segment of NBC's U.S. Open coverage Sunday.
MattH | June 20, 2011
Openly-gay CNN anchor Don Lemon hosted a pro-gay marriage columnist for National Review and a Democratic strategist to talk about New York's gay marriage bill. One can only predict that all three were in favor of legalizing gay marriage.
MattH | June 20, 2011
CNN's Fareed Zakaria launched a sweeping indictment of the modern conservative movement on his Sunday show, casting it as too out-of-touch with reality and based in abstract theories -- like "the old Marxists."
MattH | June 16, 2011
Already one disgraced former politician is making a career comeback at CNN. Is the network trying to rehabilitate another Democrat's career? The network repeatedly tossed around the possibility of Congressman Anthony Weiner returning to politics, on Thursday -- and the congressman had only just resigned.
MattH | June 16, 2011
CNN's Eliot Spitzer gave a free pass Thursday to Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, in an interview on the present state of abortion rights in America.