Ian Hanchett | November 19, 2012
MSNBC analyst Ayman Mohyeldin stated that there was documented history that Palestinian factions followed truces with Israel and that these truces were broken by Israel. It's also worth noting that Mohyeldin presented the pro-Hamas claim as historical fact, but presented Israel's defense that it needs to prevent terrorist attacks before they're launched as simply Israel's opinion.  
Ian Hanchett | November 19, 2012
Fox’s reporting from an Israeli school where Hamas’ rockets had landed captured more rockets fired by the terrorist group landing near the school and a nearby residential area.
Ian Hanchett | November 19, 2012
Dueling Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protests in Los Angeles over the Israel-Hamas conflict turned violent.  Protesters came to blows as both sides had members cross the picket line between the two sides set up by police. One person filming the scuffle was attacked by members of the pro-Palestine protest.  Members of the pro-Palestine faction screamed “Get out of here b*itch” at the videographer…
Ian Hanchett | November 19, 2012
CNN contributor and Blaze writer Will Cain appeared on the weekend edition of CNN Newsroom to discuss Mitt Romney's comments about President Obama using handouts to curry favor with voters. The discussion quickly shifted to an ambush when Cain refused to toe the media line that Romney is a terrible person for his comments. Both LZ Granderson and Don Lemon (who was supposed to be moderating the…
Ian Hanchett | November 19, 2012
Melissa Harris-Perry ended her show by reminding us just how awful the Pilgrims were and how terrible America is. Harris-Perry urged us to have a "socially conscious" Thanksgiving where we embrace the "agony and loss and injustice" that she says under-girds the America's history. Um, thanks Melissa? 
Ian Hanchett | November 19, 2012
Melbourne, Australia's public transit system kicked off it’s DumbWays2Die train safety campaign with a song listing, well, dumb ways to die.  Some of the examples include “Sell both your kidneys on the Internet,” “Eat a tube of super glue,” and “Use your privates as piranha bait.” The ad concludes that failing to practice train safety is the dumbest way to die in order to encourage listeners to…
Ian Hanchett | November 19, 2012
Sun News Network in Canada interviewed pro-Hamas protestors at the Israeli Consulate.  The group became violent after they discovered the journalists were with Sun News Network.  One protestor even bit the reporter’s microphone.  A couple interview highlights: the rockets fired into Israel don’t have firepower, and the Assad regime is completely innocent of war crimes.
Ian Hanchett | November 19, 2012
 Speaking on CNN Newsroom, Religious scholar Reza Aslan told “Extremist voices” in Israel calling for the destruction of Hamas that such talk was causing Israel to become “more delegitimized and isolated.” Aslan then lectured Israelis on their refusal to acquiesce to Hamas’ existence.  Threatening to destroy another sovereign nation gets recognition and legitimacy, but defending yourself, that’s…
Ian Hanchett | November 19, 2012
CNBC analyst Rick Santelli refuted the notion that the Democratic Party has a post-election mandate to raise taxes on top income earners. He also calculated that the budget deficit cannot be reduced simply by raising taxes on high income brackers. 
Ian Hanchett | November 16, 2012
At MRC, we’ve documented MSNBC’s long history of editing video to smear conservatives and protect Obama. Well, they’re at it again.  This time dragging out James Carter IV to use tape of Republican strategist Lee Atwater allegedly claiming Republicans used racial code words as part of its Southern Strategy.  Only one problem, segments of the Atwater tape that MSNBC didn’t air show that he wasn’t…