Ian Hanchett | November 13, 2012
Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz pledged to keep his promise to not raise taxes during the upcoming debate on the fiscal cliff.  Chaffetz’s resolve to keep his promise to his constituents was scolded.  Chaffetz was lectured that “Grover Norquist didn’t elect you. Your constituents elected you.”  Maybe his constituents elected him because he promised not to raise taxes.
Ian Hanchett | November 12, 2012
CBS analyst Nancy Giles suggested that Republicans oppose abortion because they want to "build up the race" in order to ensure electoral victories. 
Ian Hanchett | November 12, 2012
Attorney Raul Reyes argued that President Obama should use his "bully pulpit" to influence the Supreme Court's decision on the Voting Rights Act. Reyes also compared southern states to "children" who needed to be watched by the "parent" of the federal government on MSNBC this weekend.  
Ian Hanchett | November 12, 2012
Face the Nation panelists Dee Dee Myers and John Dickerson claimed that high minority turnout in the 2012 election was due to anger over Republican attempts to suppress minority voters. 
Ian Hanchett | November 12, 2012
Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer criticized conservatives for giving massive amounts of money to super PACs instead of donating their wealth to charity. Interestingly, Schieffer didn't seem to have a problem with rich liberals such as George Soros giving money to liberal PACs
Ian Hanchett | November 12, 2012
California Governor Jerry Brown stated that he higher taxes because the Bible advocated "rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's." Brown also stated that the private sector needed to give its extra money to government because he believes in a system of "to each according to his due."  
Ian Hanchett | November 12, 2012
Former CIA official Gary Bernsten stated that the White House must have known about the e-mail surveillance on CIA Director David Petraeus and that Petraeus was having an affair. Bernsten stated the White House was being dishonest and politically engineering the scandal. 
Ian Hanchett | November 12, 2012
Former CIA official Robert Baer said that the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus stated that there was no reason for the FBI to investigate the affair by General Petraeus and the investigation "smacked of George Orwell." 
Ian Hanchett | November 9, 2012
Video from Campus Reform shows Obama supporters celebrating the 2012 election as a victory for Karl Marx and wishing for more socialism. 
Ian Hanchett | November 8, 2012
Carl Bernstein cheered the defeat of "scorched earth" conservatives, and wished they would "self-deport" while declaring the election a mandate to raise taxes.