Ian Hanchett | November 16, 2012
It appears Representative Clyburn got the ball rolling on the latest attempt by Democrats to play the race and gender cards. Representative Marcia Fudge, who is set to become the leader of the Congressional Black Caucus, accused Republicans of racism and sexism in their opposition to Rice’s nomination for Secretary of State.  Former Obama campaign advisor Mark Hannah took it a step further by…
Ian Hanchett | November 16, 2012
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi threw out the Israeli ambassador to Egypt and removed its ambassador from Israel, and has sent a delegation to show solidarity with Hamas as part of his strategy of “sounding an angrier and more confrontational tone toward Israel than has been evident from Cairo in decades” according to the Washington Post.  You wouldn’t know that from NBC, which is now touting…
Ian Hanchett | November 16, 2012
Representative Peter King stated that former CIA Director David Petraeus stated that he knew the Benghazi attack was terrorism and that the talking points given to Ambassador Susan Rice were different from the ones prepared by the CIA. Petraeus stated Rice's talking points were edited to demphasized the possibility of terrorism. 
Ian Hanchett | November 15, 2012
A source familiar with former CIA Director David Petraeus told CNN that Petraeus wants to testify that he knew the attack in Benghazi was terrorism almost immediately. 
Ian Hanchett | November 15, 2012
With Israel and Hamas trading rocket strikes it’s time for Hamas to put forth its best actors for eager camera crews.  Less than one day into the conflict, the BBC caught footage of such theatric mastery.  At the beginning of the video, a man in a beige jacket appears to be horribly injured and needs several people to carry him to safety.  He appears again at the 0:38 mark.  Except now, he’s…
Ian Hanchett | November 15, 2012
Representative James Clyburn used his time on MSNBC’s Hardball to accuse Republicans of opposing Susan Rice’s nomination for Secretary of State because Rice is an African-American woman.  As we all know, Republicans don’t want to see a black female as Secretary of State. 
Ian Hanchett | November 15, 2012
Former CBS anchor Dan Rather blamed Republican electoral defeats on their lack of interaction with the “fact-based world.”  
Ian Hanchett | November 15, 2012
CNN’s Anderson Cooper contradicted President Obama’s claims that FBI protocol dictated that President Obama should not have been informed about the scandal involving CIA Director David Petraeus until after the election.  According to internal memos from the Justice Department obtained by CNN, FBI protocol actually states that President Obama should have been informed before the election.
Ian Hanchett | November 14, 2012
MSNBC analysts Michael Eric Dyson, Joan Walsh, and Ed Schultz concluded that conservatives support traditional values because they hate minorities and women. Joan Walsh, author of What's the Matter With White People? (Yes, that’s the title, I didn’t make that up) concluded that Republicans don’t care about poor people and don’t love America. Great job guys, you’re taking political analysis from…
Ian Hanchett | November 14, 2012
MSNBC host Steve Kornacki declared Nancy Pelosi "the closest thing to royalty" before declaring "all hail Nancy Pelosi" on today's edition of The Cycle.