Ian Hanchett | September 19, 2012
The Washington Post's Aaron Blake ran a hit piece against Rasmussen's polling data showing Mitt Romney slightly ahead of Barack Obama. Mr. Blake decided to omit data showing that Rasmussen has been one of the most accurate pollsters in the past few elections.  
Ian Hanchett | September 19, 2012
MSNBC and CNN have yet to mention that the "complete" video of Romney's comments at a fundraiser in Florida is missing part of Romney's talk on the fundraiser. The same networks seemed to have used up all their skepticism and vitriol on James O'Keefe. 
Ian Hanchett | September 19, 2012
A new report by the Department of Homeland Security shows that the US had received threats before the September 11 attack on the Egyptian Embassy and that the attack may have been motivated by the imprisonment of the Blind Sheikh and not a YouTube video.
Ian Hanchett | September 19, 2012
When James O'Keefe released video showing how easy it was to commit voter fraud in New Hampshire, Al Sharpton complained that O'Keefe filmed poll workers without their consent in violation of two-party consent laws. Sharpton and his media ilk have been silent over whether the Mitt Romney fundraising video violated Florida's two-party consent law. 
Ian Hanchett | September 19, 2012
On David Letterman's show, President Obama criticized those who accuse their political opponents of being unpatriotic and claimed he had never done so. Unfortunately, for President Obama, he called President Bush "Unpatriotic" for running up the deficit.  Thanks to YouTube user GOPICYMI. 
Ian Hanchett | September 19, 2012
MSNBC's Alex Wagner couldn't hide her smile covering what she described as an "Ice cream sundae of campaign gaffes" by the Mitt Romney campaign. 
Ian Hanchett | September 19, 2012
CNN's Fareed Zakaria bashed Mitt Romney for his comments at a Florida fundraiser. However, Zakaria didn't feel so strongly about President Obama's characterization of some voters as "bitter" in 2008. Zakaria's blog and TV appearances are void of any criticism of President Obama's remarks.  Zakaria also avoided criticizing President Obama for his remarks earlier this year where he pledged more…
Ian Hanchett | September 19, 2012
Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi labeled Mitt Romney's comments at a Florida fundraising as "Disparaging" on The Today Show this morning. In the same interview, Pelosi had no criticism of President Obama's comments about Pennsylvania voters. Instead, she said that Obama's remarks showed that he wanted to "Build ladders of opportunity."  
Ian Hanchett | September 19, 2012
UPenn Religious Studies Professor Anthea Butler has publicly called for the arrest of the maker of the film that has been falsely branded as responsible for the recent rioting in the Middle East. Butler defended her comments in an op-ed and appeared on MSNBC to defend her comments. On the same network, Mike Barnicle suggested that a Florida pastor who allegedly helped the filmmaker be prosecuted…
Ian Hanchett | September 19, 2012
Speaking on Mitt Romney's comments at a Florida fundraiser, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell attacked the Romney supporters at the event as "Abject, rich, dummies."