Ian Hanchett | September 18, 2012
Bias? What bias? A few months after MSNBC's Rachel Maddow grumbled about the Reverend Wright story resurfacing earlier this year and hoped it would go away quickly, Maddow gleefully went on the attack against Paul Ryan for his appearance at the Values Voter Summit this week. 
Ian Hanchett | September 18, 2012
In 2008, CNN softballed President Obama by refusing to cover the Rev. Wright scandal, but no such mercy was given to Mitt Romney for his comments at a Florida fundraiser.  Credit for the first video to Ed Driscoll at Pajamas Media.
Ian Hanchett | September 18, 2012
President Obama's remarks from a 1998 talk at Loyola University reveal more about his support for wealth redistribution. Credit to YouTube user nick cruz. 
Ian Hanchett | September 18, 2012
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney seemingly backed down from the Obama Administration's previous statements that the attack on the US Consulate in Libya sprung out of a protest at the White House Press Briefing today. Carney refused to say exactly why the attack took place and merely stated that the cause was being investigated. Credit to Jim Batzwaer at YouTube and C-SPAN.  
Ian Hanchett | September 18, 2012
Former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu went after biased coverage of Mitt Romney's remarks and accused the media of covering up the Obama campaign's class warfare. 
Ian Hanchett | September 18, 2012
Congressman Allen West accused the Obama Administration of attempting to use its story that the Libya attack sprung out of a protest to cover up their mismanagement of foreign policy.
Ian Hanchett | September 18, 2012
A new report by the Daily Caller revealed that the Department of Justice and the tax-exempt, left-wing organization Media Matters have worked together to spin news stories about the Fast and Furious and New Black Panther Party scandals that the Justice Department didn't want to get out. 
Ian Hanchett | September 18, 2012
Now that Attorney General Eric Holder has been caught conspiring with Media Matters to silence stories about the Fast and Furious scandal, it’s worth remembering that brainwashing is just another legitimate tactic according to Holder.  Credit to VitacoreVision at YouTube and C-SPAN 2.
Ian Hanchett | September 18, 2012
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell accused Mitt Romney of lying about and insulting millions of Americans in Romney's remarks at a fundraiser. 
Ian Hanchett | September 18, 2012
A professor at Brevard County Community College in Florida is under fire for making students in her class sign a pledge to vote for President Obama and the Democratic Party in November.